Trowelling machines
Concrete Trowelling Machines For Sale
A trowelling machine is a important piece of kit for any concreter. Known fondly by a wide range of names across the globe such as trowel machine, concrete helicopter or heli trowel, power trowel and power float, concrete whirlybird and walk behind trowel machine.
If you are pouring large areas of concrete regularly and want to get a professional finish every time then it’s time you invest in a trowelling machine. While you can get a smooth finish on a flat area of concrete manually, with a troweling machine, you’ll see a smoother finish in a fraction of the time. Manufacturers such as Bartell have provided a wide range of power trowels to suit every job.
Trowelling Machine Sizes
Starting off with the 24 inch and 30″ edger trowel machines. As their name suggests these are perfect for getting up nice and close to walls and fixtures.
Going up the scale you can then choose from a range of 36 inch trowelling machines and 46 inch trowelling machines.
The right size and model for you will depend on your business, and which jobs you’re likely to get in the future. Do you work mainly outdoors or indoors? What kind of finish are you looking for from your trowel machine?
A trowelling machine is useful when it comes to finishing concrete anywhere from factory floors to car parks, to patio slabs. They operate using single or multiple blades which rotate.
A protective cage covers the blades to ensure the equipment is safe to use. Alongside being safe for operation, a concrete troweling machine is also easy to use alone. And with Bartell’s quick-start engines, you’ll be ready to go in no time.
A walk behind power trowel is convenient for any job up to 90m2. For bigger jobs, you will want to consider a ride on trowel machine.
What To Consider When Buying A Trowelling Machine?
Size – The size and float pan will determine how much ground you are able to cover in how much time. Generally, concreters find a 46 inch trowel machine to be the best size to help them get the job done quickly.
Blade types – Most concrete helicopter trowels come with options of both combination blades and finishing blades. Which ones you will need will depend on what finish you require. Whether you want to achieve a gloss or matte finish, the Bartell have made sure that you’re all set for the job with the diverse range of concrete power trowel models.
Finishing the job – Do you need to get around tight corners? You may want to consider an edging trowel machine to finish off the edges of your job or to get around fixtures and fittings.
Engine Power – Many trowelling machines on the market use the same engine despite the size. With Bartell, the larger diameter trowel machines come with higher-powered engines ensuring reliability and performance on the job.
Maintenance – Some brands of trowelling machines are easier to maintain than others. By regularly checking that your concrete trowelling machine is in good condition, you’ll make sure you get the longest service life. Bartell trowel machines are equipped with site glasses which help you to check the engine oil levels easily without taking the power trowel apart.
Need More Advice?
A trowelling machine is an important investment for any concretor and we’re here to make sure you make the right choice for your business. Just give us a call on 0426752251 so we can help you out.